About me

Hello and welcome to my website!


My name is Olya. I am from Belarus, now I live in Warsaw.


My path to photography began in childhood, when I held a film camera in my hands for the first time and felt the real magic of creating images. And to this day I discover something new for myself in it, and the camera is still my inalienable companion wherever I go.


My photograph is about tenderness, love, beauty, and all of you — so different and real. It's about immersing in your story, your world, and your expressions, about the freedom to be yourself and the opportunity to become the hero of your own movie for a moment, forgetting your "work side" and simply enjoying the process. These are stories about your state of being. These are moments when I can merge my creative energy with the uniqueness of each person I see through my lens


If my photographic vision suits you, please contact me and I will gladly become your photographer!